Dilruba Na Raazi Lyrics Song : The Latest Song in the Heart Warming Voices of Zeb Bangash & Faakhir Mehmood who sung this beautiful song in the Pashto language. Here we are providing you the song along with the English translation which is presented by Coke Studio in its 3rd episode.
Song: Dilruba Na Raazi
Singer: Zeb Bangash & Faakhir Mehmood
Music: Faakhir Mehmood
Music On: Coke Studio
Dilruba Na Raazi Lyrics
Ter sho pah fikroono zhwand me pah sochoono,
(My life has passed away in anxious thought of you)
Tang shom da prado,
(I’ve became tired of all these strangers)
Sta da armaanoono,
(I yearn only for you)
Khalko da khyaaloono,
(The things people say about you)
Krramah pah salgo,
(Have made me weep pitifully)
Zaar shah zama,
(I devote my life to you)
Da ghaarre haar shah zama,
(Please remain with me always)
Zaar shah zama,
(I devote my life to you)
Da ghaarre haar shah zama,
(Please remain with me always)
Gulah mah krra tah geelah,
(Beloved, don’t make me reproaches)
Parwa mah krra da bal cha,
(Don’t care about what others think)
Yaar shah zama,
(Be my beloved)
Gul o gulzaar shah zama,
(Turn my life into a blossoming garden)
Gulah mah krra tah geelah,
(Beloved, don’t make me reproaches)
Parwa mah krra da bal cha,
(Don’t care about what others think)
Nah she juda tah lah ma,
(Please don’t apart from me)
Tah me zhwandoon tah me saah
(You’re as dear as life to me,
as dear as breath itself)
Khalko waawray yaar me laaro bewafa
(Oh people, listen, my beloved has become fickle
and left me)
Dilruba dilruba
( O sweetheart)
Dilruba dilruba
(O sweetheart)
Dilruba na raazi,
(My sweetheart is not returning to me)
Pah khanda nah raazi,
(He is not returning to me joyously)
Khalko waawray yaar me laaro be-wafa,
(Oh people, listen, my belove has become fickle
and left me)
Auram bya nah raazi,
(I hear he isn’t returning to me again)
Pah khanda nah raazi,
(He is not returning to me joyously)
Auram bya nah raazi,
(I hear he isn’t returning to me again)
O dilruba na raazi
(My sweetheart is not returning to me)
Wuh misl-i baad-i saba rooh o dil o jaan,
(He’s like the morning breeze,
He is my heart and soul)
Main kaise us se miloon dil hai pareeshaan,
(My heart yearns to find a way to meet him)
Jise chaaha tha dekhna wuh rukh na-deedah raha,
The face I had yearned to see,
Remained hidden from my sight)
Main chaahoon pahlu se nah jaaye dil-ruba,
I wish my sweetheart would never leave my side)
Da gulo baagh ta laas neewale de bozam,
(Catching hold of your hand,
I’m leading you to the flower garden)
Nah me parwa shtah da cha nah ba-yei laram,
(I don’t care what other say, nor will I ever care)
Haghah geele krri lah ma,
(He has made reproaches to me)
Marawur laaro lah ma,
(He has become upset with me and left)
Armaan-yei raaghlo kho os prot yam zah khafah,
I had yearned to be with him,
But now I lie here sad and dejected)
Khiyaal ke zama,
(You’re constantly in my thoughts)
Khooboonah wuruk sho zama,
(My nights have become sleepless)
Khalko waawray yaar me laaro bewafa,
(Oh people, listen, my beloved has become fickle
and left me)
Dilruba dilruba
( O sweetheart)
Dilruba dilruba
(O sweetheart)
Dilruba na raazi,
(My sweetheart is not returning to me)
Pah khanda nah raazi,
(He is not returning to me joyously)
Khalko waawray yaar me laaro be-wafa,
(Oh people, listen, my belove has become fickle
and left me)
Auram bya nah raazi,
(I hear he isn’t returning to me again)
Pah khanda nah raazi,
(He is not returning to me joyously)
Auram bya nah raazi,
(I hear he isn’t returning to me again)
O dilrooba na raazi
(My sweetheart is not returning to me)
Jaanaan me laaro laaro da bal cha sho,
(My beloved has gone and become someone else’s)
Jaanaan me laaro laaro da bal cha sho,
(My beloved has gone and become someone else’s)
Khwage naghme bah os raqeeb tah aawraweenah,
Now he joyously sing sweet songs of love to my rival)
Khwage naghme bah os raqeeb tah aawraweenah,
Now he joyously sing sweet songs of love to my rival)
Dilruba dilruba
( O sweetheart)
Dilruba dilruba
(O sweetheart)
Dilrooba na raazi,
(My sweetheart is not returning to me)
Pah khanda nah raazi,
(He is not returning to me joyously)
Khalko waawray yaar me laaro bewafa,
(Oh people, listen, my belove has become fickle
and left me)
Auram bya nah raazi,
(I hear he isn’t returning to me again)
Pah khanda nah raazi,
(He is not returning to me joyously)
Auram bya nah raazi,
(I hear he isn’t returning to me again)
O dilruba na razi,
(My sweetheart is not returning to me)
Wuh jaan-i jaanaan mira mera raha na,
(That beloved of mine remains mine no mre)
Jo us ke dil men tha wuh mujh se kaha nah,
(He never told me what was present in his heart)
Karoon nah kaise main gilah,
How should I not be full of reproach?)
Saare naghmaat-i wafa wuh jaake auron ko sunaaye dil-ruba,
(He sings songs of love and fidelity to others)
Kismat me daase che os prot yam khwaar o zaar,
(My fate is such that I noe lie here devestated)
Ashna me laaro os me nah de bal pah kaar,
(My beloved has gone, now I don’t want any other)
Qasam me khpal pah deen eemaan,
(I swear upon all I belive in)
Zah daltah prot yamah hairaan,
(I just lie here shocked and bewildered)
Pah cham ke garzam umeedoonah da jaanaan,
(I wander the neighborhood in vain hopes of seeing you)
Zrrah me khafah,
(My heart is sad)
Krramah fikroono tabaah,
The pain of your memories has destroyed me)
Khalko waawray yaar me laaro bewafa,
(Oh people, listen, my beloved has become fickle
and left me)
Dilruba dilruba,
( O sweetheart)
Dilruba dilruba,
(O sweetheart)
Dilrooba na razi,
(My sweetheart is not returning to me)
Pah khanda nah raazi,
(He is not returning to me joyously)
Khalko waawray yaar me laaro bewafa,
(Oh people, listen, my belove has become fickle
and left me)
Auram bya nah razi,
(I hear he isn’t returning to me again)
Pah khanda nah razi,
(He is not returning to me joyously)
Auram bya nah razi,
(I hear he isn’t returning to me again)
O dilruba na raazi
(My sweetheart is not returning to me)
Dlruba Na Raazi : Coke Studio 9 | Full Video Song